The Lego Movie (2014)
An ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophesied 'Special', is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis.
Phil Lord, Christopher MillerWriters:
Phil Lord (screenplay), Christopher Miller(screenplay)Stars:
Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth BanksStoryline
The LEGO Movie is a 3D animated film which follows lead character, Emmet a completely ordinary LEGO mini-figure who is identified as the most "extraordinary person" and the key to saving the Lego universe. Emmet and his friends go on an epic journey to stop the evil tyrant, Lord Business.
User Reviews
Absolutely fantastic 10/10
This film has great animation and a great story, it has an all star voice cast example Morgan freeman and will Ferrell. This film will be up on the shelve as one of the greatest films ever animated, ever thought about and ever written. When I was a kid playing with Lego I never thought to my self that they will make a film on it now that they have all my Christmases have come at once. Cant wait for the special features on blue ray. This movie will be up there with toy story 1 2 and 3 , the lion king , frozen and wreck it Ralph. The power of good films are in Lego hands people are genius congrats to all the Oscars for the road ahead